Wed Anniversary Ideas

Berhubung saya ini banyak mau tapi ga kreatif, jadi googling azalah yaww (males mikir). So here it comes :

Top 10 Romantic Anniversary Ideas

  1. Take them out for a romantic nighttime picnic. Find a spot that overlooks an amazing view, like a natural lake or cityscape, or the top of a tall hill. Create a beautiful backdrop with the view you choose.

    Pengen sihh tapi tak mungkin kalo pergi malem2 pikiranku pasti ke Mustafa terus
  2. Make them a home cooked candlelight dinner

    Tak Bisa juga, mana sempet eiykk masak2 hari giniii
  3. Bring back fond memories by taking your partner back to the place that you had your first date

    Bolehlah ini dipertimbangkan, tapiii taaukah anda kalo first date gw adalah di bawah jembatan busway yang penuh dgn gerobak jajajan dan 'sedikit' kumuh :D?
  4. Secretly take your partner on a surprise romantic weekend getaway

    Ohh pak suami tolonglah kau yg ambil inisiatif ini :p
  5. Gather up all of the old pictures ever taken of the two of you and make a romantic photo album or scrapbook

    Yunow, gw cuma punya siki' poto jaman pacaran apalagi poto kawinan yg norse itu? ga ada romantis2 nya *sigh
  6. Take your partner to the neighborhood that they grew up in. Let them see their old home, where they went to school, and any other places they have mentioned over the years

    The place we stayed right now was exactly were he grew up, coret option ini!
  7. Show up at their work with an oversized box of chocolates and flowers. Do it right in front of everyone so they will all see.

    Suamiku? kaya gini? manaaa mungkinn. gw kaya gini, no way it was too cheesy for unromantic couple like us :p
  8. Create a romantic bedroom makeover

    It Can't be, while we still co-bed with our baby
  9. Go for a romantic photo shoot together be considered
  10. Print some free romantic love coupons to give to your partner

    Too Cheesy (Again!)
Jadiii apa dongggg???


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