About Writing

I just think that maybe Writing is a mother of all skill...

U can be as good as a champion on your expert but that's nothing if can't write.
I don't expert in any skill. You name it, i can't do sport, i can't do paint, i can't play any musical instrument, but one thing that i'm happy about is i can write. Not such a good writing, but least i can do it.

I start write since i was in elementary school, a diary of course, when i was in high school i wrote some short story, some of them publish on wall magazine  a.k.a MADING at school  that made me so proud about it, and most of them laying in the garbage of magazine editor hahaha...sometimes i felt tired of writing. i just want to keep many ideas on my mind, but then i end up regret if i don't put a notes on that (so called cool ideas hahaha) because my brain could not remember any of those ideas anymore and that's why this blog existed. It's not just to follow a trend "ohh it will be cool if i have a blog", for me it's place where i put my mind and thoughts so it'll be a reminder for me someday.

Writing skill can brought you one step ahead in your expertise, for example, if you are an IT or programmer whose expert in developing website or mobile application, you can deliver project planning in a good writing than no doubt you'll be assign as project manager from your boss.

I once read a travelling blog, the writer is a former fashion editor in one of most known female magazine in Indonesia, she post in her blog the photo scan of her travelling diary when she was like 9 years old. she said that her parents gave her the notebook to write their family trip journal day by day, i was impressed by 9 years old kid would write about trip journal, it's not about how good you put a word in to a sentence but it's more about teaching your kid to write so that in future that habits will somehow give them a good influence in their skill.

Anyway i am writing these on English because tonight i am helping a friend to write a project agreement in English hehehehe...so it's an exercise actually :D


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