Pushing the limits
This is like the 4th post that ended up on my draft for months.
But as the title stated, i will push my limit to post something on this blog, after months. Rekor nih kayaknya, tahun ini cuman nulis 4 post? c'mon ra!.
Writing a blog for me it's kinda therapy. Writing down ideas, and make sure my ability to write 'something' is still there.
So many ups and down happening lately. Life, right?
I've disengage with world out there, the downside of working from home. Antisosial bgt nih sis. The worst part is i think i'm too much enjoying this situation. I don't have to listen any bull-crap from people. Bahkan bersosialisasi dengan tetangga dan ibu2 sekolahnya Tafa pun aku malas. Wondering if something wrong with me?
Teman bergaul ku hanya suami dan anak-anak, and my colleague who lives thousand miles apart and always wanted to do a weekly catchups where we could talk about anything, including how she thinks my hair looks good on video call. People might think this is sad, but it's not really.
We consumed with so many information these days, probably way too many. Like i could watch celebrities eating or doing something on their instagram stories yang ga ada manfaatnya sama sekali. Ga perlu jauh2 ketemuan sama temen, karena semua kegiatan mereka, yang terjadi dalam kehidupan mereka terekam di sosmed. Ga perlu nonton berita di TV, tinggal buka newsfeed FB aja paling udah banyak yg share. Sangking banyaknya informasi yang kudu kita cerna sehari-hari sampe rasanya capek sendiri, dan ngerasa kudu 'mengasingkan' diri biar waras dikit.
Wondering what would happen when our kids growing up right?.
Jangan-jangan kita nanti akan seperti di film E, manusia semua jadi obese, karena kerjanya cuma tidur makan, sambil ngontrol kehidupan lewat layar. I feel that we almost close to that. Scary!
Dark amat nih post nya mbaknya!
Anyway, siapa disini sebel banget sama Taylor Swift, angkat tangan!!!
I used to be taytay fans but now..it's like ...helloooo dunia ga berputar disekitar lo aja kalik!
Random abis gw, now mission accomplished, i will finally post this one!
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