Taking a break from social media

This is actually my long time haul.

I'm not considering my self as a person who is addicted to social media. I am an active user on Facebook and Instagram (mostly just shared pictures), in a moderate way, I think?.

There are lots of reason why I think social media is not for me anymore, some that I can explain:

  • I start to feel uncomfortable replying to people's comment - I know this is weird. Why the hell I posted something if I don't want people to respond :)). I honestly felt burdened by the comments (should I reply? should I just give the thumbs up? is my reply good enough?). 
  • I don't like being judged (who does?) or in other words, I don't like people to think that they know me, when mostly they don't. For example, in the past, I often posted my picture working in a coffee shop, and when I met a friend in person, they said: "Your lifestyle is fancy because you always work from a coffee shop". When in fact that's not really the case, I mostly work from the comfort of my working space at home, I only go the coffee shop when I feel really bored, or in between running errands. I hate that I have to explain this to that person. Even though most of my social media friends are also my friends in real life, I still find it awkward to explain any details of my daily life.
  • This is the opposite of the second point. I no longer feel the need to know my friends' activities. I still love them (my close friends) of course but I don't really need to know what happened to you guys in your daily life, I don't really need to know your political opinion (which in lots of cases ruined my image of you haha) and so on. Interesting case, when I got to meet my long time friends, what comes up in our chat mostly things that we already know about each other like someone adopt a new cat, their kids' milestone, etc, it made our catch up less meaningful in a way, for example, "hey you know what, my son did.... "yeah, I know I saw on your stories" kind of stuff.
It's been almost 3 months since I uninstalled my social media from my phone, and boy it feels great :)


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